Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hermaneutical Study of Tanach and New Testament in Chronological Order Utilizing All Scientific Fields


My mission is to bring truth to God's scriptures, both the ENTIRE Torah (even the books kept out by the Protestants because they thought they knew better, but scripture fully states do not add or remove one jot or tittle from the Word of God!) and the New Testament, that supports my quest for this after much prayer with God through the Holy Spirit and he gave me the verse that, "when you are led by the Spirit you are not under Law."

I fully understannd that to many pure reason scientists in the field that trying to use scientific research and data and discovieries and methods of study is heretical to prove Scripture as fact. Other scientists though are in my corner as I've spoken with others on the subject. Let me be clear, I am open to respectful, logical debate, remembering the verse for others to recall from Timothy, "Don't let them look down on you because you are young."

My main argument that it is only logical to use all science fields to prove Scripture as fact and strenthen those that alreaday believe by faith and those that question the Scriptures that don't, is a simple analogy from pure science itself.

I was watching the Discovery Channel on a special of how Egyptologists and acclaimed archaeologists were trying to solve the riddle of how ancient Egyptians could build massive mathematically precise obelisques in suce a fast amount of time. Their breakthrough clue came from the unfinished obelisque at the granite mine in Egypt. Now, according to ancient Egyptian beliefs, obelisque were like rays from the sun god Ra to his worshippers on the earth, directing his power down to them, so they must be flawless for the power to flow correctly. If they were flawed, they could not be used at all.

Well, the unfinished obelisque, turns out, developed a huge crack right through the middle of it as they were creating it, and so they had to just - let it be where it lie in the rock, the evident shape of the obelisque set in stone for eternity. This opportune discovery offered up a few good clues to archaeologists of how ancient Egyptions quarried out the obelisque in a fast time, but not very many good questions were fully answered. And so, archaeologists summed it all up by saying, "We know Ancient Egyptians were master stone masons, see all around us as proof? We don't know exactly how they did it, we just know they did."

My point is this. That's a purely FAITH based statement. They don't have the knowledge to know how something was done because they weren't there to see it for themselves, so they believe it was done and it was so. Faith. Even room for it in pure science. Now do you see why this project is underway? It should get REAL interesting as we go...

For the scientific research fields I will be using medicine, physiology, genetics, biology, geology, meteorology, astronomy, mathmatics, physics, archaeology, liguistics, theology, religious studies, psychology, political history, world history, industrial technology, computer technology, intelligent design and evolution, and others.

As I work through this endeavor, I ask for the prayers and encouragement of others, as I strive to strengthen and encourage them. And, any input is welcome as well on any of the subjects I cover that I don't know about that will enhance the subject matter. I only ask that it not get too "heated." Keep it respectful and site your sources.

Finally, a last word from Christ himself. (Luke 10:26) - And Jesus asked him, "What has been written in the Law? How do you read it?"

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