Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Burial and Ressurection


After Jesus death, it was expedient to get him off the cross in observance of the Sabbath.
A disciple of Jesus, a very wealthy man name Joseph of Arimathea, has just cut a tomb into a rock face and requested of Pilot of Jesus' body to bury it in his own tomb. He covered the body in clean linens and placed the body in the tomb.
The pharisees were still afraid of Jesus words at this point about raising from the dead, and so they went to Pilot and demanded that a stone be placed in front of the tomb and Roman guards be paced in front of the tomb for three days so that the disciples would not be able to steal the body and claimed that Jesus had been raised from the dead and start a new movement against them. Pilot agreed.

During Jesus absence from his physical body, the spiritual aspect of the death must be examined. In order to completely defeat sin and death and hell, Jesus had to go to hell for a period of time and suffer all the torture and separation from god and attacks of demons and sin in that place so he would know what humans lost go through in that place so he could defeat it and take the keys and become Lord of all, and not Satan anymore.

Hell is not what the old church beliefs paint it out to be. Fire cannot be seen. It is pitch black. God is totally absent from it. There is no love there. Insanity of the mind rules that place. Sin rules that place. Pain indescribable rules that place. Gnashing teeth attacking your spiritual flesh eats at you continuously. Demons torture you. Fire burns you even though you can't see it. The loud wailing cries of the lost fill the atmosphere. There is no hope there. I would wish this place on not even the worst human being on the face of this planet it is so bad.

Three days later, Two angels appeared in front of the Roman guards and knocked then unconscious. They then easily rolled the giant boulder away from the entrance to the tomb. This in itself was a moot point. Jesus was already gone from the tomb. Translated to hell, and then back to earth to the garden in his new heavenly body. The only reason the stone was rolled away was for the benefit of Mary Magdalene and Mary his mother and the disciples who came to the garden to see he was gone.
When Mary Magdalene and Mary his mother came to annoint the body, and found the tomb open and saw the resurrected Jesus, his new body was changed. They did not recognizes him and thought he was the gardener. This goes to the theory that we, as Christians in Christ, that our resurrected bodies will also look different than our old earthly bodies as well. This goes to the verse that we are a “new Creation, the old is passed away, all things are become new.”
Christ says something to the two women profound, “Why seek ye the living among the dead?” This should be taken into our everyday walk with Christ. Why do we seek for archaeological evidence of Christ on earth, like the fake Shroud of Turin when Christ is alive and well in our very lives with us each and every day?
Also in the Garden Jesus told the women to tell his disciples he would meet them in Galilee, that we was risen, just as he said, but that he couldn't be touched yet,because he had not yet returned to his Father and completed presenting his sacrifice. With that he returned to Heaven and to God to complete the sacrificial presentation of the perfect lamb complete and take his place as the High Priest for all mankind.

Going to Galilee, the twelve disciples didn't believe the women at all. (Isn't that just the way?) They were gathered I the same passover room and feeling quite depressed. When all of a sudden Jesus appeared to them in the rom and greeted them. At first they all thought is was a ghost. But Jesus said, “Do ghosts have flesh, muscle and bone? See my scars. Thomas, place your fingers I my nail scars, your fist in my spear wound. Doubt no more.” And Jesus sat down and ate with them, amazing them.
He said to them, he would be leaving for Heaven soon, but would be sending the Comforter, a mighty spirit of power to fill and guide them. He said he would meet them outside Jerusalem on a hill and would rise into the clouds to Heaven, but would return I the same manner at the end of the age, but in the mean time he would send the Comforter to be with them until his return.

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