Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Flogging


Pilate at this point was trying everything in his power to placate the Jewish masses to save Jesus' life, as he knew Jesus was innocent and he knew that Jesus was being murdered via the Sanhedrin over political and religious power struggle. But, he was still a Roman, and so, he also knew the human's physiology very well, as the Romans became masters of understanding it in the worst ways possible.

So Pilate decides to try to save Jesus' live by having him whipped within an inch of losing it, and leaving him within the hands of his elite flogging troops.

The floggers were highly feared, with good reason. They had an array of differing whipping weapons at their disposal to inflict the most damage to cause as little or as much massive damage to their victims as possible.

A flogging crew usually consisted of a soldier keeping stock of the array of whipping weapons neatly arranged and guarded for two to three different floggers to use at the same time. There were usually multiple whipping weapons of the same type available to the floggers. Each flogger used one weapon at one time, and switched off as they saw fit.

Weapons included simple long, switchback reeds of debarked tree limb saplings, to single strapped leather rawhide whips, like early forms of modern day bullwhips used and made famous by today North American cattlemen, but having pieces of glass, rocks, or metal shards on their ends, and of course, the infamous and highly devastating and feared Roman Cat of Nine Tails: a wooden club with night leather rawhide strands attached throughout each strand pieces of broken glass, metal shards, thorns, rock shrapnel and nails. The Cat of Nine Tails was the favorite of most floggers because of its unique ability to do such devastating damage in such a short amount of time.

When Jesus was whipped, they probably started out slowly and worked they're way up to the Cat of Nine Tails to draw out the torture. Floggers loved to torture their victims. Romans were famous for their cruelty.

Jesus would have been chained too a wooden post that would have given him only a little support and many splinters, and stunk of old blood. He would have been whipped naked. The floggers would begin with the saplings, hitting with all their strength, slicing into his flesh long line by line, each strike a shock to the body.

After a while of the saplings, the floggers would move onto the rawhide straps with chunks of debris on the end. Again, hitting with all their strength, these whips would not only cause cuts into the flesh. They would rip chunks of flesh off, as well due to the debris at the end. This would take Christ's breath from him in a new type of excruciating shock. Blood would really start to flow now.

About now the floggers would take a break for a bit of a rest, as Jesus would probably be either limp on the wooden pole, or lying on the ground motionless from the beating.

Another guard would restand Jesus and resupport him on the pole as the floggers finally readied the cat o' nine tails whips for the final crescendo of flogging. The worst of it. This would be so bad, Jesus would not be able to breathe from the shock of pain and fiery nerve damage from flesh being ripped off of him in huge chunks and tears by the devastating cast o' nine tails whips that dig deep into his body, wrapping clear around him from all sides by the floggers, and refusing to let go as they pull back on the whips without taking back his flesh with them as they finally get the whip straps to release.

Blood would be flowing everywhere. Chunks of flesh wound be hanging off the whips and off Christ's body like shredded hamburger. Christ would no longer be conscious or standing from the abuse.

And that is when the floggers would stop, checking his life signs, making sure they flog him within an inch of his life. Then they would deliver him back to Pilate.

And so the prophecy now has been fulfilled. “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” (Is. 53:5)

Who Is To Blame?


I know, at this point it sounds like Caiaphas and the rest of the Sanhedrin are to blame for putting Jesus on the cross, right? First, let me finish telling of getting Jesus to the cross in the first place, then I'll tell you who is responsible, flat out.

Jesus is now returned before Pilate from being flogged within an inch of his life, his clothing back on him and looking mostly dead. Pilate thinks this swill change the crowd's mind and they will decide to free Jesus and choose to send Barabbas to death instead.

He couldn't be more wrong or shocked. The crowd, now getting to be an unruly mob thanks to the priests' influence, shout out for Jesus, “Crucify Him!” and “You're no friend of Caesar if you let him go because no one who says he's a King speaks against Caesar!” Pilate, fearing an uprising, decides for the easy way out, but, as he does so, he gets a basin of water and before the assembled crowd, washes his hands as he proclaims, “Fine. I shall have Jesus crucified, but I was my hands of the matter. I am innocent of this man's innocent blood.”

The unruly crowd responds, “Fine! Then let his blood be on our heads and on the heads of our children!” And with that, Pilate sends Jesus away to be crucified.

Now. Who is to blame? According to Opus Dei, the secret organization and radically orthodox wing of Roman Catholics, it's clearly the Jews' fault thanks to this part of the Passion of the Christ. But if you keep reading, Pilate still sends Christ to the cross, too, even though he didn't have to agree with the mob. He had the power. And he's a Gentile. And the Romans end up doing all the torture to Christ. So, who's to blame?

Simply put, WE ALL ARE. ALL of mankind. Because we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We ALL put Christ on that cross. The Jews communicated the sentence. The Gentiles facilitated the sentence. It's EVERYBODY'S fault – past, present, and future.

However, what the Jewish crowd DID do was apply a spiritual law. “...The sins of the father will be visited upon unto even the fourth generation.” (Ex. 20:5, Ex. 34:7, Num. 14:18)

The Via De La Rosa


The soldiers of the governor then take Jesus into the praetorium. The praetorium is like an arena/jail/torture chamber readying building for prisoners preparing to be executed. The soldiers gather the rest of the “cohorts” against Jesus to be in attendance as well to let them do what they want to do against Him as well there. This is taken right from Matthew 27:27-31.

What they do is utter cruelty. They strip Jesus naked and place a purple magenta cloth on Him, to portray royalty in what He wears, as that color of purple at that time, taken from mollusks was highly sought after and traded by the Phonecians, and was usually only worn by royalty.

They then twist around a bunch of a large species of a hard and sharp grouping of branching of thorns equivacable to industrial strength barbed wire, into the shape of a crown, and jam it down deep into the flesh of the brown of Jesus' head. They then take a large, thick reed branch and place it in his hand like a scepter and all bow at the knee and mock him saying, “All hail Jesus, King of the Jews!”

The priests and the Romans then spit in his face and grab the reed and beat him over the head with it hard, driving the crown of thorns even deeper into his flesh and skull, and causing head injuries, bruising, concussions, lacerations, and cracked skull.

Also during this time, preparing him for crucifixion, they cut his long hair short, they rip out his beard and mustache by the roots, and the beat him so severely, he is no longer recognizable as a man, having shattered facial bones including jaw, nose, and cheeks and brow. The Romans do most of the work, known for their cruelty to want to humiliate their execution victims to the utmost, they purposely remove all facial hair and cut the long hair of the Jewish men short, knowing how traumatic it is for their beliefs it is.

This is why the Shroud of Turin is a fake. It does not fall in line with historical or scriptural documentation of what happened to Jesus at death. The Shroud of Turin is supposedly a burned image of Jesus' dead body on funeral wrapping cloth before he was resurrected. It is supposedly a holy artifact and evidence of his death and resurrection.

The problems with it are several. First, the Shroud shows Jesus having full head and facial hair, and at his crucifixion and burial, he had NONE, according to scripture and historical documentation. Secondly, the image on the shroud was made with masterfully done red ochre paint. Thirdly, Christ himself asks, “Why seek ye the Living among the dead?”

Jesus' clothes were then put on him and he was given the patibulum – the cross beam of the cross to carry down the Via de la Rosa – the Way of the Cross, splinters digging into his back of a very heavy hewn wooden beam of about 50-70 pounds at about 10-12 feet long.

Unfortunately, Jesus is so weakened from all the abuse, dehydration, lack of food, and blood loss already, he is unable to carry his own load already. So the Roman guards force a nearby Cyrenian coming from off a field, a black man known as Simon, father of Alexander and Rufus, to carry Christ's cross for him to the hill top crucifixion site that faces the Temple named Golgotha, or “The Skull” because of it's hillside features.

As Jesus travels the Way, he is accompanied by two criminals, brazen robbers also sentenced to crucifixion alongside him on the hill. And As Jesus walks his way to his execution site, scores of people follow him along the way, with scores of women, young and old, wailing and lamenting Him as He goes. He takes time to address them, telling them not to weep for Him, but for themselves, saying that they will will wish that they were barren and had never suckled someday, and if they do this on the “trees of the garden” what will they do on the “dry trees?”

The Crucifixion


Roman crucifixions were infamous for their surgical cruelty and efficiency of execution quality. The Main standing pole of the cross was either a slit rail of wood or a standing strong tree already growing in the ground that could be used over and over again, preferably on a high hill where people could “enjoy” the spectacle of the humiliating executions. The most perfect spot for this in Jerusalem was a high hill in the shape of a skull named Golgotha, “The Skull,” which, ironically, directly faced the Temple.

Once again, it's important to note that Romans were experts in human physiology and pain and suffering and torture and knew how long a body could suffer until death. And knew how many different ways a body could die and how long it could take. And also the most humiliating ways of doing it as well. Crucifixion was the top of the list.

Crucifixion was a complication of death by pain, blood loss, and asphyxation (loss of oxygen through lack of adequate respiration to the respiratory system). The latter is usually the primary means of death on the cross. And it usually takes agonizing hours.

To put a victim on the cross, the victim is lied down on the ground, totally naked, and spread eagle with his arms across the patibulum. He is offered wine and myrh, or gall, and anesthetic pain killer to dull the pain of the oncoming agony of iron nails of several inches thick and long being pounded hard through muscles and tendons of the wrist, between the ulna and radius bones of the wrist to offer the best support to the weight of the body onto the wood of the patibulum. To offer more support to the body, ropes are wrapped around the arms/shoulders of the victim and around the patibulum criss-cross. Part of hindering the breathing process of the crucifixion process. The patibulum and the victim are them hoisted onto the growing tree or the free standing hewn pole and roped into place to create the crucifix.

But that is not enough support or enough satisfaction for the Romans to let the crucifixion process to go on long. At the near bottom of the tree or pole standing, is a foot support for the feet of the victim to stand on to support his body weight (the best he can) to keep shoving up his body for breath support to fight to stay alive. His feet are nailed one on top of another to this foot rest through the meta tarsals with a huge thick nail deep into the wooden foot support. This is agonizing, as the feet are one of the most sensitive parts of the body.

A common crucifixion can last all day, but in extrenuating circumstances, The Romans will show “mercy” to their victims by ending their agonizing death a very cruel way. In the case of Jesus' and the two robber's crucifixions, Sabbath was coming, and they had to be done by sundown. The Romans observed this in congruence with their Jewish subjects, and so agreed to cut the crucifixion process short. In order to do this, they had to speed up the suffication process of the victims.

To speed up the suffication process, they had to take away their body support keeping them pushing them up for air. The two robbers were still alive. Jesus had already given up his spirit and was gone. This was the ninth hour and going into sundown. Longinus, the centurion, did the traditional method of speeding of crucifixional death to the robbers and broke their legs, thereby taking away their bodily support. He then went to Jesus and saw he was dead, but, making sure, pierced his side up into his heart with his spear, and blood and water flowed out from the pericardium buildup as is usual when the body has gone into massive heart failure. Longinus knew Jesus was dead, and did not break his legs, thereby fulfilling the prophecy, “He keepeth all his bones. Not one of them is broken.” (Ps. 34:20)

And now, the oration of Jesus' Crucifixion.

From the four Gosples put together.

First of all, They bring Jesus and the two robbers to the top of Golgotha (“The Skull”) and make them face the Temple. They strip them of all their clothing and lay them down and nail and rope them to the patibula. The robbers take the wine mixed with gall/myrh but Jesus refuses it. He knows he must feel all the pain and have his senses clear for the total sacrifice to be complete.

The Roman guards nail a sign to the top of Jesus' crucifix fig tree trunk with the charge that got him on there written in Hebrew, Greek and Latin, “Jesus of Nazareth – King of the Jews.” (Hebrew translation) היהודיםשלהמלךנצרתשל ישו (Greek translation) Ο Ιησούς από τη Ναζαρέτ Ο βασιλιάς των Ιουδαίων (Latin translation) Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum.

How do I know it's a fig tree trunk they stick him on? From (Luke 23:31) “For it they do these things in the green tree, what will take place in the dry tree?” There is no other tree in the gardens of Israel large enough to hold more than one patibulum at one time on one tree. The picture I illustrate this entire narrative with has Jesus on a three tree trunk Fig tree of highly mature growth, perfect for three crucifixes. Also, Biblical scholars propose it was a type of fig that Eve and her man ate in the Garden of Eden, and not an apple, that caused the fall. So the cross trunk being a fig tree would be perfect for the sacrificial crucifixion in the spiritual realms.

The crucifixion guards nail and rope the patibulum to the tree and them nail Jesus' feet to the support mount below him. They then just – let him hang. In the mean time, the two robbers, one to the left and one to the right, are also hung in the same way, one each on another tree trunk, probably from the same root tree.

As Jesus and the robbers slowly die, the guards gamble for Jesus' clothes, but they don't rip them into pieces, they keep them in tact and gamble for their separate whole parts.

As they do all of this, Jesus prays Heavenward and asks God in Heaven, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
As the hours draw on into hour three, people start to pass by, including the elders, high priests of the temple and the scribes. They all yell up at Jesus and mock him, saying, “You trusted in God, let Him save You now. You're supposed to be the King of the Jews? The Son of God? Then get yourself down off of there! Then we'll believe in you!”

Even the robber on the left gets into the mocking of the same thing. But the robber on the right rebukes the robber on the left for it, saying, “Don't you fear God? We deserve to be up here for our crimes, but this man has done nothing wrong!” Then to Jesus he purposely asks Him, “Lord, please remember me when You come into Your Kingdom.”

Jesus forgives the robber right there of all his sins and replies, “I tell you truly, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

The sixth hour arrives. By now Jesus' breathing is very labored, he's totally dehydrated, going into renal failure, blood pressure dropping, and the pain is as unbearable as the fatigue.

Spiritually speaking he is now taking on all of the sins of every man, woman and child past, present and future on that cross and crucifying it with him – a literal epicenter of the sin of the world in one man's body and soul.

It is so thick with sin where he is on that cross, God, the truly righteous God, must look away from His only Son because of the ghastlyness of it, as total separation from Him now sets in, as ANY sin is separation from God, but now Christ has it ALL.

As God looks away, utter darkness covers the land for three hours, the sixth to the ninth hours of the crucifixion.

The ninth hour the separation is complete, and Christ feels it clear to his spirit. He cries out in sorrowful desperation, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabacthani?” (“My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?”

The many others gathered round can't clearly understand what he says aloud because of His beaten face, and so they think He's calling out to the old prophet Elijah to save Him. Jesus cals out that he, “thirsts.” Longinus, the centurion on duty rushes to give Jesus a drink of vinegar on a reed and sponge in an effort to be of some aid. But all the rest say just let Christ be.

Jesus speaks his final words, words of victory. He looks up and says to all who listen, “It is finished.” There, the sacrifice has been completed. All of sin of all of mankind, past, present and future has been paid for by Christ precious shed blood and broken body and emotional, spiritual, and mental torment. Jesus looks Heavenward and cries out to God one last time, releasing His spirit to Him, “Into Your hands I commit My spirit!” And with that, he dies.

Immediately following that the holy veil of the holy of holies in the Temple is torn right in two straight down the middle and wide open as a great earthquake hits and rocks shear apart. Spiritually speaking, now EVERYONE has access directly to God through Jesus Christ, OUR High Priest, through His sacrifice on the cross.

At the earthquake, graves of the saints were opened and they were raised from the death as death lost its sting and Christ's life won. They re-entered the city, to many witnesses.
The centurion, Longinus, feared greatly, and praised God, saying, truly, this One was the Son of God.”

But the priests were still skeptical to the end. They complained the Sabbath was about to hit and to hurry the executions along before sundown hit according to Jewish Law. So, the Centurion checked on the robbers and saw they were still alive, and so broke both their legs so they couldn't support themselves and would soon suffocate. He checked Jesus, but saw him already dead. The priests wanted them to make sure, so Longinus speared Christ in the upper ribs and pierced his heart, and blood and water flowed, showing that yes, Christ was dead. The priests were satisfied in this regard.

The Burial and Ressurection


After Jesus death, it was expedient to get him off the cross in observance of the Sabbath.
A disciple of Jesus, a very wealthy man name Joseph of Arimathea, has just cut a tomb into a rock face and requested of Pilot of Jesus' body to bury it in his own tomb. He covered the body in clean linens and placed the body in the tomb.
The pharisees were still afraid of Jesus words at this point about raising from the dead, and so they went to Pilot and demanded that a stone be placed in front of the tomb and Roman guards be paced in front of the tomb for three days so that the disciples would not be able to steal the body and claimed that Jesus had been raised from the dead and start a new movement against them. Pilot agreed.

During Jesus absence from his physical body, the spiritual aspect of the death must be examined. In order to completely defeat sin and death and hell, Jesus had to go to hell for a period of time and suffer all the torture and separation from god and attacks of demons and sin in that place so he would know what humans lost go through in that place so he could defeat it and take the keys and become Lord of all, and not Satan anymore.

Hell is not what the old church beliefs paint it out to be. Fire cannot be seen. It is pitch black. God is totally absent from it. There is no love there. Insanity of the mind rules that place. Sin rules that place. Pain indescribable rules that place. Gnashing teeth attacking your spiritual flesh eats at you continuously. Demons torture you. Fire burns you even though you can't see it. The loud wailing cries of the lost fill the atmosphere. There is no hope there. I would wish this place on not even the worst human being on the face of this planet it is so bad.

Three days later, Two angels appeared in front of the Roman guards and knocked then unconscious. They then easily rolled the giant boulder away from the entrance to the tomb. This in itself was a moot point. Jesus was already gone from the tomb. Translated to hell, and then back to earth to the garden in his new heavenly body. The only reason the stone was rolled away was for the benefit of Mary Magdalene and Mary his mother and the disciples who came to the garden to see he was gone.
When Mary Magdalene and Mary his mother came to annoint the body, and found the tomb open and saw the resurrected Jesus, his new body was changed. They did not recognizes him and thought he was the gardener. This goes to the theory that we, as Christians in Christ, that our resurrected bodies will also look different than our old earthly bodies as well. This goes to the verse that we are a “new Creation, the old is passed away, all things are become new.”
Christ says something to the two women profound, “Why seek ye the living among the dead?” This should be taken into our everyday walk with Christ. Why do we seek for archaeological evidence of Christ on earth, like the fake Shroud of Turin when Christ is alive and well in our very lives with us each and every day?
Also in the Garden Jesus told the women to tell his disciples he would meet them in Galilee, that we was risen, just as he said, but that he couldn't be touched yet,because he had not yet returned to his Father and completed presenting his sacrifice. With that he returned to Heaven and to God to complete the sacrificial presentation of the perfect lamb complete and take his place as the High Priest for all mankind.

Going to Galilee, the twelve disciples didn't believe the women at all. (Isn't that just the way?) They were gathered I the same passover room and feeling quite depressed. When all of a sudden Jesus appeared to them in the rom and greeted them. At first they all thought is was a ghost. But Jesus said, “Do ghosts have flesh, muscle and bone? See my scars. Thomas, place your fingers I my nail scars, your fist in my spear wound. Doubt no more.” And Jesus sat down and ate with them, amazing them.
He said to them, he would be leaving for Heaven soon, but would be sending the Comforter, a mighty spirit of power to fill and guide them. He said he would meet them outside Jerusalem on a hill and would rise into the clouds to Heaven, but would return I the same manner at the end of the age, but in the mean time he would send the Comforter to be with them until his return.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In the Beginning...

Well, we whave to start someplace, and that someplace
in our chronological study of everything Scriptural is the beginning of everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.
So, what a better way to start things off with the Genesis Creation account and Steven Hawkings' "A Brief History of Time" shedding some light on some of the events at the first days of creation. Well, first we need to clear that up. The question of were they literal twenty four hour days or not.
Actually, they weren't, and there's a scripture in the New Testament that tells of this. It's (2 Pet. 3:8) - "Beloved, let not this one thing be hidden from you, that one day is as a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years as a day."
Secondly, we use current scientific dating methods of the earth, including carbon dating, plate tectonics, strata layering, and ice layering in the arctic to determin the age of the earth, with puts it at relatively 4.2 billion years.
But, back to the original question itself, when did it all begin? Well, according to the original translation and Steven Hawking, there was absolutely nothing but darkness, waters, and God/Christ's Spirit hovering gently over it all. But there was no time yet. Time did not exist. Nothing else did. There were limitless limits.
But waters did, and so did God/Christ. It's important to note that Jesus Christ was also present at this time. Why? (Jn. 1-1-5) - In the beginning was the Word (Jesus). And the Word was with God and was God. The Him were all things created, and without Him not one thing came into being that came into being. In Him is life, and the life is the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overtake it. Secondly, Jesus came into being at the beginning of creation at God's word in the first verses of Genesis, "And God said "Let there be Light! And the darkness shall not overcome it." And Jesus is God's "only BEGOTTEN Son..." (Jn. 3:16). "God created all things through Jesus Christ and hid them for all eternity in fellowship with God, but brought to light." (Ep. 3:9) "And the Lord at the beginning founded the earth, and the heavens are the works of His hands." (Heb. 1:10) "Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the One who is, was, and who is coming, the Almighty." (Rev. 3:14).
And that is when time began, when Light began and Christ was begotten and started the creation process off that first age. Time began to tick, 11 mathematical dimentions were formed. And the universe and God's Kingdom starts to take shape...

Hermaneutical Study of Tanach and New Testament in Chronological Order Utilizing All Scientific Fields


My mission is to bring truth to God's scriptures, both the ENTIRE Torah (even the books kept out by the Protestants because they thought they knew better, but scripture fully states do not add or remove one jot or tittle from the Word of God!) and the New Testament, that supports my quest for this after much prayer with God through the Holy Spirit and he gave me the verse that, "when you are led by the Spirit you are not under Law."

I fully understannd that to many pure reason scientists in the field that trying to use scientific research and data and discovieries and methods of study is heretical to prove Scripture as fact. Other scientists though are in my corner as I've spoken with others on the subject. Let me be clear, I am open to respectful, logical debate, remembering the verse for others to recall from Timothy, "Don't let them look down on you because you are young."

My main argument that it is only logical to use all science fields to prove Scripture as fact and strenthen those that alreaday believe by faith and those that question the Scriptures that don't, is a simple analogy from pure science itself.

I was watching the Discovery Channel on a special of how Egyptologists and acclaimed archaeologists were trying to solve the riddle of how ancient Egyptians could build massive mathematically precise obelisques in suce a fast amount of time. Their breakthrough clue came from the unfinished obelisque at the granite mine in Egypt. Now, according to ancient Egyptian beliefs, obelisque were like rays from the sun god Ra to his worshippers on the earth, directing his power down to them, so they must be flawless for the power to flow correctly. If they were flawed, they could not be used at all.

Well, the unfinished obelisque, turns out, developed a huge crack right through the middle of it as they were creating it, and so they had to just - let it be where it lie in the rock, the evident shape of the obelisque set in stone for eternity. This opportune discovery offered up a few good clues to archaeologists of how ancient Egyptions quarried out the obelisque in a fast time, but not very many good questions were fully answered. And so, archaeologists summed it all up by saying, "We know Ancient Egyptians were master stone masons, see all around us as proof? We don't know exactly how they did it, we just know they did."

My point is this. That's a purely FAITH based statement. They don't have the knowledge to know how something was done because they weren't there to see it for themselves, so they believe it was done and it was so. Faith. Even room for it in pure science. Now do you see why this project is underway? It should get REAL interesting as we go...

For the scientific research fields I will be using medicine, physiology, genetics, biology, geology, meteorology, astronomy, mathmatics, physics, archaeology, liguistics, theology, religious studies, psychology, political history, world history, industrial technology, computer technology, intelligent design and evolution, and others.

As I work through this endeavor, I ask for the prayers and encouragement of others, as I strive to strengthen and encourage them. And, any input is welcome as well on any of the subjects I cover that I don't know about that will enhance the subject matter. I only ask that it not get too "heated." Keep it respectful and site your sources.

Finally, a last word from Christ himself. (Luke 10:26) - And Jesus asked him, "What has been written in the Law? How do you read it?"